Dreaming of The Storm

Dear Storm,

I dreamed you for the first time last night in a very long time and it is made even more thrilling and exciting by my recent viewing of Inception. I am ready to tear this dream apart and am very excited at the meaning behind the dream and determining what I projected and which part of my dream was an idea:

What’s the most resilient parasite? An Idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules. Which is why I have to steal it.

Just as Cobb explained in Inception I can not remember the beginning of the dream, can not explain how I got to the place where the dream began or the circumstances that led up to the dream. All I know is one minute I was not there and suddenly I was and the dream was so real. It’s easy to see how dream can be confused with reality.

I had stopped by The Storm’s house for a meeting they were having concerning these two big trips they were planning. I was part of the planning committee and was there helping them go over some last details for the most upcoming trip. When the meeting was over I left and everyone else was kind of hanging around just talking but I chose to leave. I was walking down and had just gotten to my car when The Storm appeared on the balcony and called my name. I turned and looked up at him and he asked me to come back inside.

“For what?” I squinted my eyes at him and cocked my head slightly to the side in anticipation of his answer.

“There’s still some stuff we have to discuss.”

I looked at him looking down at me for a long while, torn between wanting to just leave and wanting to go back up there and hammer out whatever detail it was he needed me for.

Now, here’s the reality: I’m hesitant right now in my interactions with The Storm because of a conversation we had recently that didn’t quite go the way I wanted it to and has made our interactions since then awkward and limited.

Now, here’s the dream: There’s no reason for me not to go, nothing to be afraid of and no reason for me not to still trust 100% in The Storm and in the time I spend with The Storm.

I toss my keys back in my pocketbook and head back up the stairs to figure out these last details with The Storm. Once inside I find that everyone has disappeared and it’s just us in the room. When I enter he takes me in his arm and gives me a brief hug that turns into a longer hug. I look at him kind of awkwardly and push back from him, moving to sit in front of the computer.

“You’re so funny.”

Now, here’s the reality: I would have to move away from an embrace like that, it would confuse me.

Now, here’s the dream: Suddenly I realize there was a past conversation and a reason for awkwardness and I have to move away from an embrace like that, it confuses me.

The Storm replies: “I’ve been thinking about our conversation Sunny and we should give us a try again. We should see where this takes us.”

“But you said…”

“I know, I remember, but I’m ready to try us out. I love you and I believe in us the same way you do.”

Hmmmm….what’s a girl to do?

The reality: I WISH!!!!!

The dream: I shrug my shoulders and acquiesce.

Suddenly other people enter the room, all people that I know and begin sitting in chairs that I hadn’t even noticed there before. The Storm directs me to sit in the front row as we begin the meeting and for some reason I balk,

You want me to sit in the front row?”

He looks at me with raised eyebrows, “If you don’t know the answer to that by now perhaps you aren’t as ready for this as you thought.”

I then begin a conversation with The Storm that leads into a defense of me and my character against his harsh words. As I do the other people in the room who have come for the meeting begin moving towards us in a menacing way. Some begin pulling me away from him and others begin restraining him and putting distance between us. All the while I’m still defending myself to him and crying out as I am pulled away from him and unable to do so.

The Dream Ends.

Love Always,


One Response to “Dreaming of The Storm”
  1. Kim says:

    I swear your moments reflect so much of mine, just experience at different times.

    Thanks for sharing Sunny Dee–its my hope that the sun seeps through every once in a while during your moments with the Storm.

Give Sunny the Scoop!