Jagged Edge Puts the Rhythm in R&B

Dear Madison Square Garden, Thank you for hosting Jagged Edge a couple of weeks ago for their Ladies’ Night Valentine concert along with Dru Hill, Keith Sweat, Carl Thomas and Donnell Jones. Jagged Edge has recently been on the scene in anticipation of their upcoming album The Remedy and it’s really got me thinking about … Continue reading

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Kel Spencer uses his Pens to Empower

Dear Loved Ones, It is an absolute honor to bring you this guest blogger as he is doing what nestles perfectly into my heart. Kel Spencer has found the perfect way to combine his passion, talent and excellence in the music industry with his commitment, love and generosity for young people by creating an After School … Continue reading

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Verizon Welcomes the I-Phone

Dear Verizon, You are amazing and I thank you so much for bringing the I-Phone to your network.  I am anxiously awaiting the pre-release at 3am tomorrow and will continue to update you with minute-by-minute results of what this network has opened up for its customers. I got online right at 3am and ordered my … Continue reading

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