Gucci? Fendi? Prada?

Gucci? Fendi? Prada? I bounced anxiously from store to store in search of the perfect handbag. One that would exemplify all my ideals and represent me for exactly who I am. You see, I was weighing all my options, taking into consideration all the little things about each of them: what size, what color, how … Continue reading

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Meet Joe Blaq

Dear Music Industry, Last week I experienced something you have truly been missing. An utterly amazing musical rendition by a performer called Joe Blaq.  The sort of thing that made you want to keep moving in time to the music but also stand perfectly still so you could capture it all and not miss a … Continue reading

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Better Woman

Dear Better Woman, We spend so much time trying to be better, trying to more perfect, more amazing, fixed from every problem that has ever graced our lives and sometimes it just takes someone reminding you that you are perfect just the way you are. You are also human and wake up that way every … Continue reading

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