Happy Birthday Grandfather

Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, New Years Day, Birthdays, Graduations, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Grandparent’s Day, Halloween and Thanksgiving. Those are some of the holidays I spent with my Grandfather. Holidays we all spent with Grandfather. My grandfather was a family man, he was a brother, an uncle, a son, a nephew, … Continue reading

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Lydia Caesar’s Masterpiece

Dear Friends of Sunny, I haven’t done a post this personal and this reflective in awhile but I opened three emails this morning that touched, moved and inspired me in a way that brought to light in a major way the impact the people in my life have on me as an individual. The first … Continue reading

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5 Things About Sunny

Dear Friends, It’s not often that I get an opportunity to write to you about who I am. Today is the last day of me being the me you have always known me to be. I am in a Transformative Education Course called Landmark Education in which I have the opportunity to create for myself … Continue reading

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Better Woman

Dear Better Woman, We spend so much time trying to be better, trying to more perfect, more amazing, fixed from every problem that has ever graced our lives and sometimes it just takes someone reminding you that you are perfect just the way you are. You are also human and wake up that way every … Continue reading

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Yes…We Know Your Name

Dear You, You and You, One night after our bi-weekly trip to a comedy club the Chipettes were frequenting at the time we decided to go out with the comedians to this deli around the corner (we’ve since enforced rules about this but that’s for another blog). Just as Eleanor and I are approaching the … Continue reading

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Dear Brooklyn, A little over a year ago I physically moved my home from Sunny California to Sunny-at-times-Brooklyn. I’ve learned there is a physical move that takes place immediately and an emotional move that you want to take place immediately but happens sometime after the physical move actually occurs. Physically, I started packing boxes, deciding … Continue reading

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Dinner with the Uncle

Dear Random Unborn Baby,  I had dinner last night with your uncle.  It’s so weird how things can so unexpectedly turn out.  While I was at your baby shower I was making small talk and doing some minor networking with others in attendance.  At one point I had gotten into a conversation with a young … Continue reading

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